StorPlace Self-Storage in the Community
LIFE HAPPENS..... and sometimes it really hurts. We at StorPlace know about the hurts of life because we see people everyday whose lives are in transition. We see people hurting from divorce, death of a loved one, loss of job security, addictions and loss of personal property. That is why we at StorPlace want to participate in the healing process. We actively support many charities in our community such as:
- YMCA's Restore Ministries
- LUNG FORCE walk- Nashville
- Salama Urban Ministries
- The American Red Cross
- Numerous 2010 Nashville Flood Victims
- Numerous 2009 Murfreesboro Tornado Victims
- Soles for Souls
- Freedom Farm Animal Sanctuary
- Golden Triangle Ministries
- Head Start
- Centerstone
- Charris Ministries
- Nashville Rescue Mission
- Stuff the Bus
- The Journey Home
- LifeSkillsSchool
- Aid International
- The Father’s House Church
- Habitat for Paws
- Nations Ministry
- Arise and Shine
- Project ReDesign
- TN Radio Hall of Fame
- Golden Triangle Ministries
- Second Chance Ministries
- Family Foundation
Life Happens...